Friday, October 06, 2006

Legislation after the long tail

I knew this was going to happen. 2 chapters in and I'm already hooked.

Finding out how our web-driven society is changing is like watching the DaVinci Code unfold in slow motion.

So the world of hits has become a world of niches. I like the sound of that.

Yet I do see a fly in the ointment. Normally technology and/or society changes, then governments legislate. In Italy for example, emails weren't recognized as legally-binding documents untill about two years ago.

They do catch up but often there is a worrying gap between the moment the change appears on the radar and the introduction of some new control, law or tax.

This gap is of course a land of opportunity for early adapters but when the opportunity for some turns into a benefit for the many and we reach the tipping point for whatever change has arrived, government legislation can and often does get in the way.

So what happens when all the bits and pieces I need to satisfy my chosen niche happen to come from outside my national legislation? Will the old guard obstruct even more opportunities? Come to think of it, how will national governments cope with infinite choice? Does web-based TV content signal the end for national television licences?

I for one sincerely hope so. If the supply-industry as a whole has to adapt in order to compete in a world of ininite choice, I don't see why governments should have it any easier.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Never underestimate what a blue fish can do for you...

OK. Finished Naked Conversations and am really starting to see where it all fits together.

Thing is, this consumer-empowering standpoint really is so far from where I am right now and what I do that it's gonna take a pretty big yank at the wheel to turn this ship around...

I expect the Long Tail to be just as ground-shaking and equally difficult to get across to my "interruption" clients. I just wish I could get to some seminars on the subject. Lucky yanks ;-)

For now, I'll take Dori's advice: just keep swimming... just keep swimming...

PS I want to try and hook this blog up with some of my favourites, but I'm so wet behind the ears in blogsville that I wouldn't recommend anyone holding their breath. Can anyone out there help?