Friday, December 22, 2006

Time flies but then a LOT happens...

You ever get the idea that time flies straight past you?

That more or less has been the outcome of these last few weeks. Christmas is right there and I almost didn't see it coming.

Before I go any further, I'd like to publicly thank the tech guys at Dell. My Workstation was well and truly KO. No safe-mode Windows trickery or system restore could pull it out of its frozen-screen hole.

After poking around for a few days, desperately trying to back up what I could (everything as it turns out), I made the call.

Actuall I made three. Each one took me to the next stagewith a level of professionalism and calmness that really struck me. Not because it was Dell, because it was so beyond what I'm used to from anyone it really stuck out.

So what do you think my opinion of Dell the company, it products and support services is after that? Hats off to them I say.

Right, with that off my chest it's all-systems-go for some first hand SEO stuff this Christmas. First off TheAcerGuy is getting its own site. As much from the need for more space than a blog as to expeiment some SEO theories.

Then, my client's own site. I had to force SEO on her as she knows someone high up in Google who assured her that the only way to stay at the top was to pay, heavily.

Sorry but that really irked me. I understand the need for Google to support its profitable business model but did they really have to go so far as to just plain lie??

So the challenge is on. First to prove to myself that it isn't true (I already know that), and secondly to prove to my "boss" that her leg had been pulled so hard it should have hurt.

The other thing I have to do is set up an outline for an important corporate blog. It's happening at last. First things forst, Wordpress or Moveable Type?

Monday, December 18, 2006

Windows Woes and SEM

Well the idea was to keep things moving, develop content progressively over time and add my own observations on the SEO world.

But as we all know the best-laid plans of mice and men...

I'm writing on my trusty Acer notebook. NOT on my Dell workstation. Why? Because Windows automatically installed an update that causes the PC to freeze after about 5 minutes. I have been patiently securing all my data and carrying out an obscene number of diagnostic tests since Thursday.

Am I the only person in the world able to jam a dual processor workstation with everyday work applications?

The worst thing is that system restore doesn't work as the PC freezes up while uninstalling the first of six upgrades...

The joy of letdowns.

On a lighter note, I was watching a video by Leslie Rhode from Optilink who mentioned SEM for the first time. Once the definition had been given (Search Engine Marketing), I then hopped over to Wikipedia for an explanation.

I had never given much thought to PPC advertising but it seems to me that a healthy combination of the two could work wonders. Sure enough, that seems to be what the world's top SEO experts also recommend.

I can see the short-term advantages of PPC advertising when trying to sell an offer (i.e. Buy before) but if there's just brand awareness going on, I think the equation would shift away from PPC. I mean what sort of return do you get from it (in terms of brand name bulding) and how can that be measured?

Still, SEM a fascinating addition to this SEO journey.