Thursday, February 01, 2007

Blog diplomacy masters

Mr. Rollins leaves and my opposite number my friend from Dell gets into serious "tough love" spats.

If you want to see how diplomacy sometimes treads a very, very fine line, check out the restraint expressed here.

Easier done than said

Now that I've managed to reinstall everything after McAfee took down my registry, it's all systems go with the page rank remapping project.

It's a pretty complex issue mapping out page rank over hundreds of links and regional sites but it's certainly worth the challenge. The problem I think is more to do with the PowerPoint presentation I'm trying to prepare to explain all this. What's the rule? Maximum 5 slides..? Yeah right.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Page rank madness

We got page rank.

No not me, my client. They got a PR8 home page, and PR0 product pages.

Thank God people like Leslie Rohde exist, that make this all insanely easy to figure out. And no, that's not an affiliate link.

We got problems with session IDs. I'm a bit thin on programming knowledge but have enough to figure out that if you're a $11+bn company, you need page rank on your product page.

So it's back to the drawing board for a really massive overhaul. Two weeks to get a presentation ready..