Thursday, November 09, 2006

Some call it maturity.

I have been slowly drawn into this argument to the point where I can no longer sit and watch.

It's an age thing. When you're young you live and learn but now it feels live I'm learning and hardly living. At least my wife knows where I am, even if we go to bed a vastly different hours.

Change is definitely not for the weak-hearted. The way it opens your mind while at the same time numbing your senses is really quite unique. I can see why companies are reluctant.

Today I used my abolutely brilliant website builder XSitePro to build my first ever website. Once I had finished the tutorial site, I realized I was missing graphics, layout, backgrounds, even copy! I downloaded this handy header tool, and the journey got a little bit shorter.

This is all very exciting, but with age comes the little alarm bell that sounds when you just ain't gonna make it. I now know how Lance Armstrong felt when he decided to break three hours in the NY Marathon.

So at what point does age transform you into a manager? Ever since I decided to open three blogs in two languages on the same day. When does my brain reach the level of maturity to know when I'm exaggerating? I'll let you know if and when it does.

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